How To Install Osticket

To install Osticket in CentOS

I need help with the installation of OSticket on my Windows 7 device. I want to do a test run before i install it in my company server. I already tried the wiki but it is not detailed enough for me.


Osticket is an open source ticketing software which provides quick fix any issue or technical problem raised by any company/organisation. It can be done through web-forms, email, and phone calls into web based customer support platform. Installation of OSticket is explained in this article.

Execute the following command to setup the LAMP server.

Run the following command to test the PHP installation by setting up info.php file under the root document.

Start and enable the service for apache and mysql.

Set up the root password for mysql.

To Install Osticket

Create a new /opt directory and download the OSticket by running the following commands.

Extract the downloaded package to /opt/osticket directory as follows.

Then create a soft link as shown below.

Run the following command to enable name based virtual host in the apache configuration file.

Open the apache config file

And add the following entries.

Now restart the apache services.

Run the below commands to create mysql database.

Go to the below mentioned directory.

Run the following command to copy ost-sampleconfig.php file into ost-config.php file.

Change the ownership for the following directory.

Open the browser and navigate to /setup/install.php'> http://< IP_address> /setup/install.php
Fill the information like admin user and database settings.

How To Install Os Ticket On Linux

Click Open a New Ticket, to raise a new ticket.
Login with the admin credentials.