How To Install Fomod Skyrim

PSQ Transformpackage [Fomod]. New Fomod installer for easier installation + some customizability! If you use Schlongs of Skyrim you need to set the. This is a tutorial and example file of how to make a fomod NMM installer for your mod. Inside the download you'll find an Instructions.rtf - read it. It'll explain all of the tags of the xml files required, what they do, and how to use them.

Best Answer GSDFan, 06 August 2014 - 06:15 AM

The mod is not installed right if you are seeing 00 Required Data (folder), Fomod (folder). You should see the meshes folder at the top level.

When you double click the mod in the downloads pane, do you get the install window for the scripted mod, you should see a picture that changes when you mouse over each option, or do you see a window with only the manual, OK and cancel buttons?

Is this the only mod you have a problem with?


I am not using the Exclusive Animation Path or custom race. Those will not interfere with the install of Pretty combat Idles.

Either your MO install is bad, that is why I asked if any other mods are giving you problems, or the mod is bad.

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If you haven’t done so already download audio overhaul. That has a scripted installer that will give you options to select from. If you only get the manual, OK and cancel button then your MO install has a problem. In which case download the archive version of MO and overwrite the current install. If you get the installer window with options then your Pretty idles archive is bad.

EDIT: another option to try is to go to settings, Fomod installer and change the bottom Prefer to false and reinstall the mod.

Fomod Installer Fnv

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