Ubuntu Restricted Extras Download

I tried 'sudo apt-get reinstall ubuntu-restricted-extras' but apt-get does not like the reinstall command. E: Invalid operation reinstall I also tried 'sudo apt-get --reinstall install ubuntu-restricted-extras' but then it is the package name that is the problem.

Install Java, Flash, every codec you’ll ever need and much more, all at once. It’s heavily proprietary, but Ubuntu Restricted Extras is probably the first package you should install in Ubuntu.

Are you a new Ubuntu user? You might soon notice that a lot of things don’t work out of the box. You cannot listen to MP3 files or watch most movies; even DVDs. Browsing the web means doing so without Flash and Java, and certain websites don’t look right because the fonts are different. That’s where Ubuntu Restricted Extras comes in. A collection of software Ubuntu can’t legally bundle with Ubuntu, this package is easy to install and makes your computer capable of a staggering number of things. You’ll get Java, Flash, a staggering number of codecs, all the familiar default fonts from Windows and the ability to open RAR files.

Windows users need special tools, such as NiniteNinite - Easily Install All Your Favorite Free Apps In One GoNinite - Easily Install All Your Favorite Free Apps In One GoRead More, to install this amount of software at once. Ubuntu users need only install one package from their repositories: Ubuntu Restricted Extras. This is probably the first thing you should do with any new installation of Ubuntu, so keep reading if you’re not familiar with it.


Installing software in Ubuntu couldn’t be easier. Just head to the Ubuntu Software Center, then search for the package you want to install.

The Software Center is a collection of programs you can install in Ubuntu. There are thousands of programs here for free, and an ever-growing collection of games and programs you can purchase. Like the App Store on mobile devices, this is the one-stop-shop for all Ubuntu software. It’s also where you find Ubuntu Restricted Extras. And you won’t need to look long: it’s one click away from the main page:

You’ll find it under “Top rated software.” Open it, then click the “Install” button. You’ll have to type your password and then you’ll be done.

Are you too lazy to open the program and find Restricted Extras? Fine; click here to install Ubuntu Restricted Extras. Done. Are you using Kubuntu or Xubuntu? Search for “Kubuntu Restricted Extras” or “Xubuntu Restricted Extras” instead.

Included Packages

There’s nothing magic about Ubuntu Restricted Extras: it’s just a “meta-package”, which is a fancy way of saying it installs a number of other packages you could find separately in the Software Center if you wanted to. These packages, by name, are:

  • flashplugin-installer
  • gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg
  • gstreamer0.10-fluendo-mp3
  • gstreamer0.10-pitfdll
  • gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad
  • gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly
  • gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-multiverse
  • gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse
  • icedtea6-plugin
  • libavcodec-extra-52
  • libmp4v2-0
  • ttf-mscorefonts-installer
  • unrar

Not sure what these mean? The top one, “flashplugin-installer”, gets Adobe’s Flash installed on your system. The various “gstreamer” packages add codecs to Gstreamer, which the Ubuntu video and music player both use to open files. “IcedTea” is a browser plugin for Java, and is followed in the list by a couple more codecs. The mscorefonts package gives you Times New Roman, Arial and other Windows-standard fonts. Unrar does what it says: open RAR files.

Ubuntu restricted extras package download

On Playing DVDs

None of these packages, however, give you the ability to play DVDs. To do that, you’re going to need to do some extra work. You can find the instructions here.

Prefer not to do all that work? Head to the Ubuntu Software Center and install Fluendo DVD Player. It will set you back $25, but it works.

Why is either process necessary? Well, like it or not, DVDs are protected. When you buy Windows or a Mac, the people who created the DVD standard get paid. Ubuntu is free, meaning they aren’t paying anyone for the right to play DVDs. Hence the need to jump through hoops or buy a compatible player.

Why Not By Default?


Ubuntu Restricted Extras Package Download

All of these other programs aren’t included for similar reasons. Simply put, Ubuntu doesn’t have the right to distribute codecs, Flash, Java and other technology on the Ubuntu disk. Doing so would make Ubuntu illegal to distribute in some countries, including the United States of America. This means that Ubuntu could become illegal in America should they decide to include these packages.

Why can they offer Ubuntu Restricted Extras at all, then? Well, basically because it’s up to individuals to either install these packages or not. The theory is it’s up to you to determine whether or not these packages are legal in your country and to act accordingly.

Sudo Apt-get Install Ubuntu-restricted-extras Download

I’d like to hear from you guys. Do you install Ubuntu Restricted Extras, or not? Why? I’ll be around in the comments below, so let’s chat.

  1. coud anyone help me to find ubuntu restricted extras system in my pc?mine is ubuntu 13.04 32 bit.i wait ur answers.thanks.

  2. why its not in my pc?mine is ubuntu 13.04 32 bit.

  3. I install everything except msftcorefonts.

  4. yeah, i installed it first after ubuntu

  5. So is the average home computer user supposed to hire a lawyer to find out if we can or cannot load this software in our country? I, like many people I suspect, cannot afford expensive lawyers to to look into this. Any advice on where people can look to find out without the expence?

  6. I don't install it. Simply put, it grabs a lot of closed source codecs which are not needed: pitfdll and w32codecs/w64codecs. I don't have those installed and I can play everything I need. Even if there are some patent issues, remember that the other gstreamer codecs are Open Source and sufficient to play media files.
    So I have my personal list of packages and with copy-paste I use it when installing Ubuntu to other people.
    Adding DVD support is a matter of a one-time one-line terminal code, so why should anyone spend 25$ for DVDs? :D

    • Can I ask for that list please?

      and also what is that line of code?
      tnx :)

      • Oh yeah, sorry. :) this is my blog post about that: http://andrealazzarotto.com/2010/11/01/guida-installare-i-codec-su-ubuntu-per-riprodurre-tutti-i-file-multimediali-e-i-dvd/
        It's in Italian but you can read the code. Also, I need to update some of the final packages (e.g.
        libpostproc51 should become libpostproc52 in Oneiric, if I remember correctly. But you should get the idea of what's the list. :)

        • you may also use Google Translate to translate the post from Italian to English.



        • Sure. :) Just remember: do NOT copy-paste code from the translated version. ;)

  7. I can't understand why the hell people install Microsoft fonts in Linux... I mean, if there's no app that really needs them.

  8. Just installed Ubuntu ( 10.10) on a Toshiba laptop already running Windows 7 / 64 bit. Trying to get familiar with it. Will I still need some of the items in this 'restricted extras' package and something for the dvd drive to use it while exploring Ubuntu?

  9. Nowadays, the installer asks if you want it. All you have to do is check a box.

  10. when I was an Ubuntu, I didn't install the whole ubuntu-restricted package specially gstreamer-bad

    • ubuntu user

Install Ubuntu-restricted-extras package in Ubuntu 17.10. Ubuntu-restricted-media codecs or Ubuntu-restricted-addons are required to play multimedia files on Ubuntu Desktop. Upgrade to Ubuntu 17.10 from Ubuntu 17.04 Desktop and install the latest Media Codecs in Ubuntu.

You may have missed this and didn’t check “Enable Restricted Formats” while fresh installing Ubuntu 17.10. If not, it will not install the required multimedia codecs and you will have to install it manually.

Ubuntu Restricted Extras Download

Install Ubuntu Restricted Codecs

Run the following commands to install Ubuntu-restricted-extras package in Ubuntu 17.10:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install ubuntu-restricted-extras

Apt Ubuntu Restricted Extras

In addition, in order to play DVDs, you need to install libdvdcss by entering the following in a terminal:

sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh

Apt-get Install Ubuntu-restricted-extras

Upgrade Ubuntu 17.10

Ubuntu 17.10 comes with the newest software enhancements and nine months of security and maintenance updates. Ubuntu 17.10 brings Linux kernel 4.13 and a new Gnome desktop as it is retiring Unity in favour of GNOME, version 3.26.1. It comes with new Wayland which is now the The default display server which can also run x.org as a session or on systems that cannot support Wayland.

For UI changes, Ubuntu 17.10 comes with the new Caribou on screen keyboard and the new settings application which lets you easily explore all the possibilities and features of the new desktop.

Another great feature is that the swap is now a file, not a partition that will scale to what your system needs, making it easier to install Ubuntu on any machine.

Upgrade Ubuntu 17.10

Ubuntu Restricted Extras Error

Run the following commands in terminal to Upgrade to Ubuntu 17.10 from any previous Ubuntu release:

sudo apt update
sudo apt dist-upgrade
sudo update-manager
sudo do-release-upgrade